Welcome, SASFest Speakers!

We’re excited to welcome you to the 2025 SASFest lineup.

We want to make your experience as pleasant as possible, and we want to promote you to our website, newsletter, and social media audiences, so we need your information ASAP.

The form below should provide space for all of the information and images we’ll need, and there’s a blank at the end if there is any other information you’d like us to have.

I’m your Festival contact for promotion and logistics, so don’t hesitate to email, call either number below, or text me on my mobile number.

I’m looking forward to seeing you in March 2025!

Tracy Cunningham, Managing Director

tracy@tennesseewilliams.net    |    Office  504-581-1144  |    Mobile  225-937-9754

SASFest 2025 Speaker Form

We'll share this with our Festival bookseller. We'd like to represent all of our speakers' most recent books at our Festival Book Fair. For this to happen, books should be available at a trade discount and returnable. We can also take a limited number of books on consignment.
Your availability during the Festival
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 50 MB.
    Please include your first and last name in the images you upload.
    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 50 MB.
      Please include your first and last name in the images you upload.
      Drop files here or
      Max. file size: 50 MB.
        Please include your first and last name in the images you upload.