2024 TWFest Feedback

We hope you enjoyed the 2024 Tennessee Williams & New Orleans Literary Festival. We’d love to hear from you! The survey below provides us with vital information for our grants, grant reports, and for future planning. Thank you for sharing your experience with us!


TWFest 2024 Survey

"*" indicates required fields

How many times have you attended the festival?
How did you find out about the festival? Select ALL that apply.
Digital Media
Do you follow/subscribe to any of our digital media platforms? Select ALL that apply.
Which of the following best describes you?
If outside the New Orleans area, list your city and state. For outside the US, list your city and country.
The next 4 questions relate to how you spent money in New Orleans during our events. How much time did you spend in New Orleans for our events?
In how many restaurants, cafes, coffee shops, bars, music clubs, or other food/drink/entertainment venues did you make a purchase?
In how many shops, boutiques, bookstores, souvenir shops, clothing stores, antique shops, art galleries, grocers, pharmacies, or other stores did you make a purchase?
How many museum tickets, tours, historical site tickets, or other events of this type did you purchase?
Approximately how much money did you spend in New Orleans while attending our events? Include travel (ground and air), dining, entertainment, purchases, etc.
Please select your age range.
Please specify your ethnicity.
Please specify your gender identity. (Optional)
Attendee Categories*
Related to your attendance at the Festival, how would you describe yourself? Select ALL that apply.
Attendee Data*
What were your reasons for attending the festival? Select ALL that apply.
What were your favorite parts of the festival?
SAS Events*
Did you also attend any SASFest events?
Future Planning 1*
Do you plan on coming back next year?
If yes, who and/or what would you like to see at next year's festival and how can we improve your experience.
What other (if any) book festivals, literary festivals, and/or literary events have you attended or plan to attend?
If you were a TWFest Speaker: How can we improve the experience for speakers?
Testimonials from speakers and attendees about our events are always helpful for future promotion and grant applications. If you'd like to leave a testimonial below, please include your name and where you're from. If you'd prefer your survey responses to remain anonymous, you can instead email your testimonial to info@tennesseewilliams.net. Thank you!
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