TWFest Gala

The TWFest Gala will take place in the beaux-arts style home of Tony Award winner John Cameron Mitchell. The home, known as The Temple, is a painstakingly restored side hall Italianate in the Bywater neighborhood with a storied past.


Tickets are $250 for the VIP Experience and $100 General Admission.


The evening begins at 6 pm with a VIP experience including a garden chef’s table, celebrity bartender cocktail pairings, and a tour of the home and its rich collection of Hollywood, Broadway, and Rock’n’roll memorabilia.
At 7 pm, doors open to all ticket holders to enjoy the open bar, hors d’oeuvres, and live music in the garden and ornate ballroom. The evening continues with a silent auction, our inaugural awards presentation, and a decadent night of reveling in the stunning home and garden.


Sponsorships for this event are $5,000 and come with four VIP tickets, signage at the event, and name and/or logo on our website, newsletter, and social media posts.


Attire is Dressy Casual (see Emily Post’s description here).
11/21/2024 6:00pm-10:00pm , The Temple Ballroom, 3151 Dauphine Street
