Tom Williams was very open and candid about his life through his letters, journals and memoirs. While some of what he had to say should be taken with a grain of salt, much can be traced and verified. In the 1930s, the French Quarter was a decadent mud puddle in the gutter of Southern gentility, perfectly suited for a decadent young man. Award-winning tour guide, Randy Bibb, will take you through the French Quarter visiting the sites and hangouts of Tennessee Williams. See the buildings in which he lived, where boiling water was poured through the cracks of the floor, where a plethora of vagrants, miscreants, artists, and society girls came and went through the architecture and art of his muse, the Vieux Carré. And hear his story as he told it. Randy’s knack for double entendre presents a narrative which puts a Chinese lantern over a naked light bulb with subtle humor. Randy is a native of St. Louis, Missouri, where he lived only blocks away from the Glass Menagerie apartment. He gave his first tour in New Orleans in 1988 and his commitment to historic accuracy has earned him three Global Guide Awards from TourHQ and the Cultural Preservation Award for tour guiding from the Black Storyville Babydolls. He has served as president of the Tour Guide Association of Greater New Orleans, Inc. and teaches Professional Tour Guiding and the History of The French Quarter at Delgado Community College. Randy is also a playwright and composer; his musical play Onepiece has enjoyed six productions in St. Louis and New Orleans.

Thursday, March 27, 10 AM – Noon; Friday, March 28 – 1:30 – 3:30 PM; Saturday, March 29 – 1:30 – 3:30 PM; and Sunday, March 30, 10 AM – Noon.


, Hotel Monteleone, Queen Anne Parlor, $40 or VIP Pass.