We depend on our volunteers to make everything go smoothly at the Festival. We will need ushers and ticket takers for the panels and special events. We will need smiling faces to assist our box office staff and information desk. Other positions/areas include messengers, runners, merchandise, photographers, videographers, and party assistants. Plus we have Saints and Sinners LGBTQ+ Literary Festival going on at the same time, so there are LOTS of shifts available!
You’ll get a free Literary Discussion Pass for your reward. This admits you to all TWFest Literary Discussions and SASFest panels. Shifts are 4-5 hours each. Choose as many as you like below. Be sure to read our COVID-19 protocols before signing up.
We hope to see many of you soon! Please go to the lobby of the Hotel Monteleone and check the electric/tv signs located there for our assigned orientation/meeting room. We have several shifts available (especially for Saturday/Sunday mornings). If you haven’t signed up yet, please do! Also consider passing this email with sign up information to friends you think would be interested. It is worth reminding you that our Festival WOULD NOT HAPPEN without the volunteers and sponsors and patrons who support us. You help is not just appreciated and valued (it is!) but truly necessary to keep bringing this event to life.
Q. How do I sign up for volunteer shift? Where do I check in?
A. Please click the link below and sign up in the same way you would purchases a ticket. It is free to sign up and each 4-5 hour shift gives you a FREE panel pass ($100 value) that admits you to over 25 events during the Festival weekend including all panels, conversations, the one-act play readings and the scholars conference. Check in for your shift in the Mezzanine area of the Hotel (near our information desk).
Q. I want to go to a certain event, can I volunteer then?
A. Please do NOT sign up during a shift that occurs during an event that you would like to attend as we cannot guarantee that you will be assigned to that location.
Q. I would like more information about the Festival, is there an orientation?
A. Please go to the French Market Parlor Room at your shift time. A full program is online at tennesseewilliams.net
Q. Is there a volunteer dress code?
A. We suggest dressy casual (no jeans, no sneakers). Assignments for volunteering vary and include collecting/checking tickets, giving info, and helping with concessions.
Please note your “sign up ticket time” as your shift is your responsibility – we truly do depend on the immense “kindness of strangers” to make this event a success. Please feel free to share this link with friends who may be interested.