New Orleans is a place drenched in color, from its subtropical landscapes to its historic buildings. But why has the city always embraced such a vibrant style? The authors of Painting the Town: The Importance of Color in Historic New Orleans Architecture explored that question as they sought to capture the city’s exuberant spirit. In this session, award-winning photographer Chris Granger will present a slide show and discuss some of his images that illustrate this book published by the Preservation Resource Center of New Orleans. Three of his collaborators—Danielle Del Sol, Susan Langenhennig, and John Pope—will cover such topics as why some of the city’s Creole cemeteries had colorfully painted tombs, the sources and symbolism of historic architectural colors, distinctive local buildings, the stunning watercolor architectural paintings stored in the New Orleans Notarial Archives, the stories behind the distinctive façades of Commander’s Palace and Brennan’s restaurants, and the only-in-New Orleans color that has come to be known as K&B Purple.



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03/28/2025 2:30pm-3:45pm , Hotel Monteleone, Queen Anne Ballroom, $10 or LitPass or VIP Pass.