Adaptation is about love: Love of content. Love of craft. Love of genre. Come by and we’ll take some time to be wildly in love with language. Adaptation can help us take the things we love and explore them with a newfound intimacy. It can help beginners hone their craft and help unestablished writers sell their work. It can help experienced writers connect with new methodologies and help anyone explore a new genre. It’s a great way to start writing and a great way to grow as a writer. Adaptations can let us come back to ourselves and our craft from a new perspective. We’ll ask a lot of bonding questions: Why adapt something from one genre to another? How do we pick what to adapt? What is source material to us, and why do we want to work with it? How do we pick what genre to adapt source material into? We’ll spend time with the slippery-yet-empowering transition when the adaptation becomes our own artwork!