No matter what stage you may be in with your writing, it’s important to learn about the publishing process. And typically the first person you’ll encounter on the road to getting published is a literary agent. Katherine Fausset, a Senior Agent and Vice President at Curtis Brown, Ltd., will share her tips and advice on what you can do to improve your chances of signing with an agent before you even start the querying process; how to find an agent who’s right for you; what to include in the all-important query letter; and what the writer-agent relationship looks like and how to make the most of it. This is a chance to ask an agent anything—whether it’s about a specific question about the querying process or a general one about the publishing industry—so please feel free to come with questions.



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03/28/2025 3:00pm-4:15pm , Hotel Monteleone, Lobby Level, Royal Salon, $25 or VIP Pass.