A Staged Reading of Three Tennessee Williams One-Acts
Auto Da Fé
This 1941 short play tells the story of a sexually repressed Eloi, a young postal worker in early 20th-century New Orleans. Eloi lives with his overbearing mother in her boarding house. He is confronted with the depravity and sin of New Orleans. This frustration ends in an attack on a female boarder in the cottage and the eventual burning of the cottage, his mother, and the female boarder.
In Our Profession
Annabel, an actress, wants to be looked at as more than just her looks and her profession, but the gentlemen pursuing her, Richard and Paul, don’t seem to want to let her.
Every Twenty Minutes
After a late party, an unnamed couple is relaxing in their upscale city apartment by sniping at each other, still dressed in black ties. He’s arguably more committed to the decanter and glass at his side than he is to anything his wife says. This is especially true when she shares a shocking statistic she just read in the paper. Though he is unimpressed by the news, her outlook on life is completely altered.

03/24/2024 11:00am-12:15pm , Hotel Monteleone, Vieux Carré Room, $20 or VIP Pass


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