An Outrage for the Stage: Williams Productions in the 21st Century

Perspectives of the scholar, the playwright, the director, and the performer meet in a kaleidoscopic panel that looks at contemporary stagings of works by and about Williams on two continents. Productions discussed incorporate autoethnography, aesthetics of speed and trash, McCarthyism, 20th-century blues artists . . . and even have the audacity to present Williams’s work as social realism.

Moderator: Annette J. Saddik, Graduate Center, City University of New York; John Michael DiResta, Skidmore College; Levi Frazier, Jr., Southwest Tennessee Community College; Joshua Polster, Emerson College; Kerstin Schmidt, Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich

03/22/2024 3:00pm-4:15pm , Williams Research Center, $10 or Scholars Conference Pass, VIP Pass, or LITPass


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