Become a Donor

The generosity of our Festival donors helps us provide quality programming and keep our ticket costs as low as possible. Donations are 100% tax deductible. You can make an general donation or try one of these creative ways to give!
- Honor someone you love, or someone who loves the Festival, by donating in their name for special occasions like birthdays, weddings, graduations, anniversaries, etc.
- Give in memory of departed friends or loved ones through a memorial donation.
- Leave a gift in your will to continue your love for the Festival.
Your donation will help us sustain our mission of promoting writers and other literary artists, supporting emerging writers, and celebrating Tennessee Williams and the city he called his spiritual home.
You can designate which programming you wish to support:
-TWFEST for Tennessee Williams & New Orleans Literary Festival
-SASFEST for Saints & Sinners LGBTQ+ Literary Festival.
You may always give anonymously, without public recognition, if you wish.